Thursday, October 09, 2003

My secret porn star name is Betsy Lou Digby. What you do is take the name of your first dog (or cat, as the case may be) and add it to the name of the street that you grew up on (if it was boring like "Route 2, Box 78" then you can change it to the street you are on now.)

Anyway, that is how you come up with your secret porn star name.

I have been taking progesterone to lengthen my luteal phase (technical fertility stuff.) I think I have written about it before. Anyway, it makes me CRAZY. Seriously, it's like the worst day of PMS for 14 straight days. And it also causes me to have symptoms that are supposedly similiar to early pregnancy symptoms. My breasts hurt, little twinges in my uterus, mood swings, a little nauseous. It's very psychological-- I keep second-guessing my body. "Huh? Is that the progesterone or am I really pregnant? Did I experience this last month? Am I just going insane?!" And since I have limited willpower when it comes to pregnancy testing, I will start trucking myself over to the bathroom to pee on a stick WAY too early. There's no way it will show anything positive, but off I go anyway, because I feel like if I don't, I may very well explode.

Basically I can't trust my body (including my emotions, due to the increased irritability toward everyone) for two weeks.


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