Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Porn and Mothers

I listen to a radio talk show on my XM Radio at lunch, sometimes (XM 170, if you are interested). I used to listen to it on a local radio station but the boogers cancelled it. It's a Christian counseling call-in show called "New Life Live." [Actually, I flip back and forth between "NLL" and "The O'Franken Factor" on XM 167. Pretty opposite, but Al cracks me up.] "New Life Live" is sort of like "Dr. Laura" but without the harshness. I like them because they greatly discourage divorce. They are pro-"separation" so the participants can get some distance and try to work things out.

Anyway, most of the callers who call in are women (surprise surprise.) But here is something that I actually have found interesting...most of the calls are concerning their husband's pornography addiction. I swear, like three call out of five are desperate women who have discovered their husband's horrible porn collection stashed in the bowels of the computer. [Note: My husband always knows when I've been listening to the show because I get all questiony about his internet usage. "I'm not looking at porn! Stop listening to that damn show!"]

Today, my interest was peaked because it was a non-porn caller. The lady was crying that her mother didn't treat her right and always took her sister's side. "How old are you?" asked the therapist. "42." she whimpered. "Honey, why do you still need a mother?" That stopped her in her tracks and she started sobbing.

I realized that for several years after college, that was me. Mad at my mother for not being there and not being motherly. But I spent last Saturday with my mom, and I had a really good time...no frustration, just a pleasant time. Hey! I don't need a mother anymore! It's such a relief.


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