Friday, May 06, 2005

Second Day Back

Yesterday went much better for Anna, not quite as well for me. The newness of being back had worn off a bit, and the trips to the bathroom to pump were getting a little old. Also, I sat at my desk looking at my new design assignments, not knowing where to begin. I am really not very confident as a graphic designer. I wasn't trained to be one; I am just a Fine Arts major that stumbled into it after graduating to the real world. I researched possible artwork, then ended up reading "Lost" (the show) synopses at my desk. Which made me feel guilty, as I was reminded that if I were home, I would have plenty to do. Which made me think about Anna and miss her and wonder if I could call the sitter again without seeming pathetic. Eating lunch with my superb friends was the highlight of my day.

Anna, on the hand, had a great day apparently. Her evening, after her first day, was great. She was in a nice mood and went to bed at her usual time despite her multiple naps. Her second day, she took three huge naps during the day. She was again in a great mood last night and went to bed as usual. Maybe the child has been sleep-deprived all this time. I guess I wasn't forcing the naps on her, so she just fought them and wound up cranky. And today, I left her in the nursery at the Mothering group I attended. I fully expected to see the nursery lady walk through the church doors hollering, "You there! Come get this kid!" It never happened, and much to my shock, she was sleeping in a crib when I went back to get her.

Maybe somehow, I was subconsciously preventing her from napping and she just needed to get away from me to get started on a schedule. Who knows.

Anna also "made" me a Mother's Day card at daycare. I was very impressed. The child has excellent art and handlettering skills, even at three months.


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